Thanks for stopping by! We at KreatifVintage strive to create a company that can provide our clients with everything fashion, from great photography to excellent models, great young designers, even MUAs. The vision is mad ambitious, but most great visions are. The purpose of this blog is to let you know a bit about us, what we enjoy, and news and tips pertinent to our vision. We strive to leave a positive impression on all and provide a great experience as you cruise through our blog and catch a glimpse into our collective minds, as we try to forever stay fashion forward. And dont forget to wipe your feet before you enter!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Never Allow Location to Stagnate Your Growth!

I had an interesting conversation with Earry Hall, CEO of UrbanAnatomy, today. We were talking about small town talent and how important it is to branch out and away or risk stagnating your growth, sometimes with deadly consequences. See I have always felt like I want to bring big things to my small city of Montgomery. I can see such potential here. But as Mr Hall pointed out, you have to get away, travel, experience other culture and go places where you can continue to be challenged, therefore continuing to grow. Its so easy to become complacent in a small city. It's usually not long before your dedication makes you the best in your area. You may become that "go to guy", even a "local celebrity". At that point it's easy to become complacent. All of a sudden, becoming a leading photographer for Vogue takes the backburner to shooting local fashion shows and working on $200.00 photo shoots for local "models". Years go by, and all the emmense talent one might have had is wasted. I used a photographer but this example just as easily applies to designers, models, really anybody in the fashion industry. Don't become complacent!! Keep fighting and clawing your way to bigger and better and brighter futures. Never be afraid to reach your goals. never become complacent and settle for the comfortable. Strive to be the best you can be. And one day you'll look back and know it will all be worth it in the end!

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