Thanks for stopping by! We at KreatifVintage strive to create a company that can provide our clients with everything fashion, from great photography to excellent models, great young designers, even MUAs. The vision is mad ambitious, but most great visions are. The purpose of this blog is to let you know a bit about us, what we enjoy, and news and tips pertinent to our vision. We strive to leave a positive impression on all and provide a great experience as you cruise through our blog and catch a glimpse into our collective minds, as we try to forever stay fashion forward. And dont forget to wipe your feet before you enter!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BACK...for the first time lol

OK sooooo finally i'm updating my blog (blowing the dust off my keyboard). Maaaan its ben awhile but im newly renewed and feeling mad inspired! I want to give a quick shout out to Jonathan Taylor of UrbanAnatomy, thanks for the inspiration brotha. So whats new since I've been absent....OH MAN i'm a PHOTOGRAPHER now! Working with a magazine and everything. So yea man its on! I'll be posting my photographic experiences on the blog a lot, so feel free to comment. Thanks for the support and lets continue to be fashionable.

-Stay progressive my friends-

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